Among my guilty pleasures (and I have several) is Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. I’ve been watching since the days when the “young people” only associated Ice-T with rapping.
defining success
saving at all costs
Samuel Alexander is a 35 year-old man with active drug use that led to end-stage kidney disease. Recently he added endocarditis, an infection of a heart valve, to the list of things wrong with him. It’s hard to remember he is only 35 because when he talks, his lips pout and his jowls sag like an old man because he has no teeth.
almost gone girl
The first time I almost wasn’t here happened when I was about 4 years old. It was a warm but not hot day and I was riding in my daddy’s big white truck. I sat beside Deddy, as I called him, back in the days before booster seats and even seat belts were required, leaving just enough room for him to maneuver the stick shift without being in the way.