Another birthday has come and gone, which means another reminder to find out how my right kidney is faring since I gave away her mate 11 years ago.
make it stop
The distress call came to me fourth-hand in the form of an email. The colleague of a colleague’s wife’s father wondered if I could help because the father was contemplating stopping the peritoneal dialysis his wife had been helping him do at home for the last several years.
11 years and counting!
Celebrating 2 healthy kidneys between us...since April 14, 2005. Happy re-birthday Robert!
if more of us knew
Today is World Kidney Day. This year's theme is "Kidney Disease & Children: Act Early To Prevent It!" but since its inception in 2006, the common goal of every theme has been to make more people aware of kidney disease early in its course, in hopes that it’s progression to end-stage kidney disease may be prevented or at least delayed.